For graduate students interested in working with us…
Any MIT graduate student is eligible to work in the Raines Lab. Interested graduate students who are newly admitted to the department of chemistry, biology, biological engineering, chemical engineering, or physics are encouraged to contact Professor Raines by e-mail.
For postdoctorates interested in working with us…
Prospective postdoctoral coworkers are encouraged to send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and published papers to Professor Raines by e-mail or US mail, and to arrange for three reference letters to be sent by e-mail or US mail. Upon joining us, postdoctorates are expected to apply for fellowships from the NIH and other agencies.
For undergraduate students interested in working with us…
MIT undergraduate students who are interested in working in the Raines Lab should submit (1) a statement about career goals, particular interest in the Raines lab, and intended length of stay, and (2) an MIT transcript to Peter Giunta (Administrative Assistant) by e-mail.